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SI Faculty Information

What is Supplemental Instruction (SI)?

The Supplemental Instruction (SI) program offers free academic assistance to students enrolled in challenging courses. Students who have previously taken the course and passed with an A or B, have been recommended by a faculty member, and then participated in an intensive SI Leader training serve as our SI Leaders. SI Leaders attend class lectures with the students and then conduct weekly sessions.

TLC's Supplemental Instruction program provides an opportunity for students to explore course content and to practice essential skills presented in class. The groups are led by students who have taken the class and excel in the topic area. SI Leaders work with professors to develop materials and examples that will enhance a student's understanding of the subject. SI Leaders also share successful approaches to learning the material and performing on tests.

SI sessions help with content mastery and study strategies that are applicable to all subject areas. SI attendance is voluntary and confidential: students do not need to sign up for SI.


What is faculty's role in supporting SI?

SI is not intended to create additional work for faculty. Faculty are not responsible for training, supervising SI Leaders, or for enforcing student participation, which is strictly voluntary. However, faculty can make SI a success by:

  • Allowing the SI Leader to make a brief (2-3 minute) introductory speech about SI in the first week of class.
  • Giving the SI Leader access to Moodle discussion forums and providing them with supplemental materials for class.
  • Encouraging all students to attend sessions in the first five week of class. Studies show that students who go in this time frame are more likely to go regularly.
  • Providing feedback to the The Learning Center professional staff.

How can I request SI for my course?

The Learning Center is happy to work with faculty to establish SI for a course! To request SI for your course for the upcoming semester, please contact The Learning Center and we'd be happy to help!