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Peer Academic Strategies Coaching

What is Peer Academic Strategies Coaching?

Peer Academic Strategies Coaching is an option for students in need of support beyond course content. Students can meet with an academic coach in one-on-one sessions to review a variety of academic topics including time management, goal planning, note taking, study strategies, and test taking. Peer academic coaches are not able to assist with course-specific concepts, rather they are available to provide general advice focused on academic success strategies. Students seeking assistance with course concepts can schedule time with a peer tutor.

Peer Academic Strategies Coaches, just like Peer Tutors, are able to share strategies that helped them during their most recent (and current!) experiences.

One-on-One Academic Coaching Sessions

  • Students can schedule a session with an academic coach by contacting TLC. Click here for details.
  • A session can last either 30 or 60 minutes, depending on academic coach availability.
  • Sessions are capped at 60 minutes per student. Once you have completed a session, then you can schedule another with the TLC Front Desk.
  • It is recommended to have relevant material handy during your session (for example: class syllabus, planner, reading materials, course notes, etc.)